Friday, July 26, 2019

The Command of One-Anothering

Biblical Counseling, The outworking of the Command of One-Anothering
Much of life within the Body of Christ might be described as “one-anothering”. The New Testament repeatedly calls believers to live in harmony and community by speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), exhorting one another daily (Heb. 3:12-13), edifying one another (Eph. 4:29), and comforting one another (2Thess.4:18). These passages and countless others challenge us to pursue an intentional lifestyle of living like Christ and speaking of the Gospel of grace and truth. This is essentially what it means to be a disciple. This is what it means to be a biblical counselor.

Jesus demonstrated a life-style of a biblical counselor. Truly, He was the Wonderful Counselor (Is. 9:6), he lived the truth perfectly, (which is what speaking the truth in love actually means in Eph. 4:15), choosing to speak only His Father’s words (Jn. 8:28). Therefore, our goal is to encourage and equip his disciples to competently speak God’s truth with everyone, everywhere, everyday, all of the time (Lu.6:40). You may not consider yourself to be called or particularly gifted for a formal ministry in biblical counseling, but if you are saved by the work of Christ, if you are truly a follower of Christ, then you are called to “speak the truth in love” to everyone, everywhere, all of the time.

Christians are called, equipped and commanded to live lives of “One-anothering”. Biblical counseling training is one avenue available for you to learn how you can be more intentional in your efforts to fulfill the Great Commandment, i.e. to Love God and Love People, and the Great Commission, i.e. to make disciple-makers for the glory of God.
Please consider joining our adult Sunday School Class this fall and/or our Fall Weekend Discipleship and Biblical Counseling Classes for specific instruction and encouragement in this area of "One-Anothering".

Kent Kloter

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