Friday, August 21, 2020

Please Pray for the Mark and Charity Borisuk


Below are some ways that you can be praying for Mark and Charity during this turbulent time:

  1. We praise the Lord for a good opportunity to reengage with our house church in China. Mostly due to security issues, we had stopped attending last fall. Meeting with them via Zoom starting this spring has been a great opportunity to continue ministry to the pastor, parents, and Sunday School teachers who we meet with each month.
  2. We are thankful for the continued translation work at the IRC office. We have recently finished up and formatted for addition to the Chinese Bible Study Toolbox, a commentary on Hebrews by Homer Kent, as well as a Bible Atlas.
  3. We are currently working on nine commentaries which are at different stages in the translation/editing process and about 10 other books and resources. Please pray for a continued blessing on our staff and that these would be completed well and be a blessing to our Chinese brother and sisters.
  4. We are thankful for the ministry opportunities we are having in the US with family, friends, and churches (we just completed a joyous two weekends of ministry at churches in Illinois and Oklahoma).
As we rest in the Lord’s timing, please pray for continued fruitful ministry while in the US and that we would be able to return to China soon.

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