Friday, February 17, 2017

Greetings from Lafayette, Indiana!

Just a quick note as Casey and I are at a church in Lafayette for a training conference on biblical counseling. We are enjoying the learning and the fellowship with other BCCers while we are here. Let me tell you...if you want to laugh a lot, sit with Mark Herrmann, Gary Baranowski, and Bill Winkler for a meal. These men love the Lord and know how to have a good time.

Casey and I are in a track at the conference where you work on certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). We've appreciated being shepherded well through the process. The leadership at the conference has helped us to see that the process is doable by God's grace. We've accomplished a lot on the certification path while here and will have more to go after we leave. 

Being here reminds us of our love for Bethany Community Church and the focus on the glory of God by proclaiming and preparing. We are so thankful for a church that desires to honor God through the careful study of the Bible and its commands to care for others. The sufficiency of the Bible is so critical for counseling and discipling others through teaching and personal discipleship. We were given this definition of the sufficiency of Scripture yesterday...“Scripture is sufficient to frame the entirety of both human experience and the context in which that experience occurs according to God’s essential purpose for people to reflect His personhood by means of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Jeremy Pierre, Scripture is Sufficient for What? In Scripture and Counseling, p. 105).

How encouraging that the Bible equips us for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17) in every context--with the starting point of the gospel! 

Pastor Ben

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