Monday, February 15, 2021

Prayer Requests for Sam and Jamie Hornbrook


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ at Bethany Community Church,

1. The virus is hitting Mexico hard. This is not only reflected on the World Meter, which shows Mexico as third highest in the world in total numbers of deaths, behind the US. and Brazil, but our church members share regularly how friends and family are dying from it. This past week, a cousin of a church member and a former church member died. Many prayer requests get shared on our church's media link, every week, of family and friends that have been admitted to the hospital, are sick or have died. Thank you for praying for Mexico and our church.
We thank the Lord for no deaths in our church, till now. Many have had COVID, including Jamie and me, but we have all recovered.

2. Because of the conditions here in Mexico, especially here in the Mexico City area, all our church services have been back on line, since the middle of December.
The income of our families is also way down. We pray for the Lord to provide for each one. The church helps the families that cannot buy enough food with their income.

3. Please pray with us for our church member, Eli, and her 4 daughters who moved out of their home, to live on their own, as the father/husband has become so abusive, drinking, angry and dangerous that it became necessary. The the church is helping this family with their needs.

4. We thank the Lord that Iglesia Nueva Vida en Cristo is doing well as a church body to love, pray for and look after one another.

Thank you so much for your prayers for us and for Mexico. May the Lord bring many people to Himself through this time of uncertainty.

Serving with you in Mexico City,
Sam and Jamie Hornbrook

Monday, February 8, 2021

Please Pray for Dougg and LeAnn Custer

Below are some ways that you can pray for Dougg and LeAnn Custer as they serve the ʟᴏʀᴅ during the COVID-19 pandemic:

1) On Febr. 15th, we will be part of the committees interviewing three candidates for acceptance by WorldVenture. Pray for wisdom and unity and God's clear leading as we try to ensure (as much as is humanly possible) that these candidates are a good fit for both cross-cultural work and service together with WorldVenture. 

2) Following the interviews, Pre-Field ministry & Orientation will again be held virtually Febr. 22-24. These are three intensive days of training and guiding these new WorldVenture workers into the organization and then into their next steps of Partner Development. Please also pray for the following:

For those organizing and refining the training to make it the best it can be, including the coordination of the sessions and the scheduling of presenters
For the presenters to speak in such a way that not only communicates important information, but that connects with the attendees
For technology to work well.
That these new missionaries would be able to form a strong relationship with those they are meeting from WorldVenture, even though the interactions will be done via Zoom.

3) Febr. 26-27: A Discover WorldVenture Weekend will be held on the campus of Liberty University where there are a number of students interested in serving cross-culturally with us. Pray for God's leading for the students - we'd love for a number of them to find themselves a fit with us and able to fulfill ministry opportunities around the world. Also pray for Terry and Donna Jeanne Schneider as they follow up the decisions made on the weekend.